Friday, May 6, 2011

Elisabetta Canalis: Nude for PETA

Elisabetta Canalis is the latest celebrity to plead for animal protection by taking her clothes off.

The beautiful girlfriend of George Clooney will campaign against fur this fall, when her official photo shoot is released, but she's already gone on record with her reason for participating in the ads.

"I was a kid, a little girl, and was watching TV at home and they showed a documentary. And in the documentary I saw how they killed little animals, like electrocuting them, drowning them, bludgeoning them. I was shocked because I was a little girl, but by that moment I thought that I would never, never, never wear fur in my life."

Go behind the scenes of the sexy model's shoot with PETA below.

Elisabetta Canalis PETA Shoot

Alexis Bledel Tina Fey Emmanuelle Vaugier Lori Heuring The Pussycat Dolls

1 comment:

  1. This good Elisabetta Canalis!!!
    HERE very goood Elisabetta Canalis Nude set!
    > > > Elisabetta Canalis Nude
