Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tell us your Royal Wedding plans

We"re mere days away from the Royal Wedding and we'd like to know what your viewing plans are.

Are you setting your alarm for 5 a.m. next Friday and watching it before work or school? Or are you just declaring your own holiday and staying home to watch the marathon coverage? How about throwing or attending a viewing party?

  • A woman admires a cake featuring figurines of Prince William and Kate Middleton at an exhibition of Royal Wedding cakes in London. Are you attempting any special baking projects for the big day?

    By Oli Scarff, Getty Images

    A woman admires a cake featuring figurines of Prince William and Kate Middleton at an exhibition of Royal Wedding cakes in London. Are you attempting any special baking projects for the big day?

By Oli Scarff, Getty Images

A woman admires a cake featuring figurines of Prince William and Kate Middleton at an exhibition of Royal Wedding cakes in London. Are you attempting any special baking projects for the big day?

Share your plans with us and they may make it into a story. Please include your full name, e-mail address and a daytime contact number.

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Michelle Malkin Simone Mütherthies Michael Michele Sarah Polley Keira Knightley

1 comment:

  1. I am also really amazed about the wedding cakes posted in the topic. thanks for sharing.
